Immortelle is a self-seeding Mediterranean plant with a golden yellow head which grows on sunbathed rocky terrains, slopes and rock ruptures.

Immortelle flower head is often given the attribute immortal, and is considered an everlasting treasury of therapeutic compounds, container of the potent essential oil which removes the traces of time from a person’s face.

Characteristics of Immortelle

The Latin name of the genus Helichrysum comes from Greek words helios (sun), and chryson (golden) which would translate to golden sun. The name of the species Italicum implies the area of Italy. Other names are Italienische Strohblume, Italienische Immortelle, Currykraut (ger.), elicriso italiano (ita.) siempreviva del monte (spa.), laški smilj (sl.).
A semi-bush from the sunflower family (Asteraceae). The plant is branchy, grows 60 centimetres in height forming wooden-like, laying or elevating stems. The leaves are long and narrow, light green to grey in colour. Flower heads are small, 2 - 4 millimetres in diameter and are gathered in a shield-shaped inflorescence 8 centimetres in diameter. They are made from tubular, yellow flowers. They blossom from April until July.
Immortelle can be used as a spice in the kitchen, but through steam distillation of the blossoming plant, essential oil and hydrolate are produced. It has a very pleasant smell. Dry flower heads are used in flower arrangements because they hold on to their colour for a long time.
Immortelle gives an exquisite, wonderful, noble and precious essential oil. It is a natural herbal product with a strong anti-hematoma effect which is used in treatment of hematomas, under eye bags, bruises and contusions, vein inflammation, and it has a regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect.

Immortelle Herzegovina

We are a team that cultivates and refines immortelle on the Herzegovinian rocky terrain. Immortelle is a plant in which we have recognized the best that nature has to offer!