nature has bestowed Herzegovina with sub-Mediterranean and Mediterranean climates, along with abundance of sunlight and clean water.

Factors that influence directly the climate in certain areas of Herzegovina are: proximity to the sea, land relief and altitude. The littoral part, and the parts of Herzegovina that are not too far away from the sea have a Mediterranean climate with long and dry summers, and short and rarely cold winters. Precipitations in these parts mostly apply to winter, late autumn and early spring. Average annual temperature is over 14 degrees Celsius.
Summer temperature often reaches over 40 degrees Celsius, whereas winter temperate rarely goes below zero. This part of Herzegovina is often called “lower Herzegovina”. The Mediterranean climate weakens as you move further away from the sea and as the altitude rises, although in certain parts, especially in river valleys of Trebižat and Neretva, the Mediterranean climate reaches deeper into central Herzegovina.
The other part of Herzegovina is the one which is located between 400 and 700 metres in altitude. In these parts one can feel the Mediterranean climate as well, but to a far less extent than in lower Herzegovina. Average annual temperature in these parts is around 12 degrees Celsius.
The mountain part of Herzegovina is the one which spreads above 800 metres in altitude. The climate in these parts is pronouncedly alpine with long and cold winters, and short and mildly warm summers. Average annual temperature in these parts is around 9 degrees Celsius,


Immortelle Herzegovina

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